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Welcome seeker

  This site was built with information that is spread across the internet and throughout the books of the craft. There are many websites that have a great deal of information, but the goal of this site is to bring it all to you in one site. With the closing of the long-standing beloved Witch's Voice, I've decided to renew my commitment to this site. Along with a few extra bells and whistles that are easily downloaded. If you would like to see information added to this site or have some ideas of things to change or information to add please use the "Contact" page. Also please remember if you are looking for anything like you see in the tv shows such as 'Charmed', 'Harry Potter' 'Buffy', 'Supernatural' or 'Sabrina' then stop here cause you won't find it, that's not what the paths teach, those are just special effects. 


"The Pagan life cannot be typified by the superficial or the skin-deep. Paganism is not a new age label of convenience, nor is it a fantasy role-playing game. Paganism is being in the raw moment, treasuring and revering the natural flow and tides and continue celebrating the gift of this divine Earth. Our deity is here and now, timeless and in all places. Many call this immanent divinity the Goddess, and yet it is equally illuminating and valid to identify this powerful presence as the Horned God who dances, dies, and is reborn. The divine evolves and changes just as we do - and so does our spirituality. We too must, as the Goddess, have our anchor: the Earth upon which to stand. Like the Horned One, we must allow ourselves the sacrament of movement, to dance, and attain ecstasy. This can all be done in the simplest of ways, or we can choose to indulge in ceremony and symbol. It is all true and good as long as we are true and good to ourselves and others. " ~Gede Parma

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